Blow Ye Winds

Public Domain - Adapted by C. Carson Parks II & Van Dyke Parks


 Verse 1:

 ‘Tis advertised in Boston, New York and Buffalo

“500 Brave Americans a-whaling for to go.”

Chorus Singin' “Blow ye winds in the morning, blow ye winds hi-ho

Heave away your running gear and blow, boys, blow!”

Verse 2:

They'll tell you of the clipper ships a-running in and out

And say you'll take 500 whale before you're six months out.


Verse 3:

 And now we're out to sea my boys, the wind comes on to blow

Half the watch is sick on deck, the other half below


Verse 4:

 The skipper's on the quarterdeck, a-squinting at the sails,

When , up above, the lookout sights a mighty school of whales.


Verse 5:

 Then lower down the boats my boys, and after him we'll travel.

But if you get too near his flukes, he'll kick you to the devil


Verse 6:

 And now that he is ours, my boys, let's tow him alongside

Then over with the blubber hooks and rob him of his hide

Chorus & Out


© - Greenwood Music Co. - BMI 126966


Carson's Remarks:


In the late 40s, when I was in The Columbus Boy choir (now The American Boy choir), we did a tour that took us to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Canada. It was there that I first experienced their music, with concertina and all, much influenced by American country & western. This also had an influence on "Upper U.S."- to follow. I've never been on a "whaling ship", nor had a "good guitar", but I know the feel of high waves and heavy parkas!