Cab Driver
written by C. Carson Parks II


 Cab Driver, drive by Mary's place

I just want a chance to see her face

Don't stop the meter, let it race

Cab Driver, drive by Mary's place.

Cab Driver, once more 'round the block

Never mind the ticking of the clock

I only wish we could have had a talk

Cab Driver, once more 'round the block.

Cab Driver, once more down her street

There's the little place we used to meet

That's where I laid my future at her feet

Cab Driver, once more down her street.

Cab Driver, wait here by her door

Perhaps I'll hold her in my arms once more

Then things will be just like they were before

Cab Driver, wait here by her door.

Cab Driver, you better take me home

I guess that I was meant to be alone

I hope god sends me a loved one of my own

Cab Driver, you better take me home.


© - 1964 Blackhawk Music Ass. to Greenwood Music Co. 1972  BMI 167131 

Carson's Remarks:

  I guess this must have been written about the time of "Another Fine Mess" and the like, but I was pondering what might be deposited on the head of General Lee! It was fun writing it, and you'll never believe the verses I threw away!

 Alternative Titles:

Miss Ashwood




Hank Tompson

The Mills Brothers

Mom and Dads